Courses pertaining to supervisory, managerial and leadership training programs.

This course is designed to provide new leaders with the basic knowledge, skills and training to successfully supervise and manage their team. 

Prerequisites: Hiring or Promotion to a Supervisory and/or Management role in the Company

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This course has been designed to provide new supervisors and/or managers with a solid foundation of knowledge and practical tips for success in their roles. In this course, we'll be discussing basic fundamental supervisory skills, including: expectation of supervisors and managers, sourcing and hiring talent, on-boarding new team members and effectively managing performance. This course is a prerequisite for all higher-level leadership courses.

Required for: Any Abra employee in a supervisory position, or higher.

Duration: approx. 1.5 hours

Prerequisite(s): None. Introduction to Supervisory and Management Skills (Level 1) strongly recommended.

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